The “24 Hours in the Old Pueblo” is a team relay and solo rider mountain bike event.
The race begins at 12:00 PM on Saturday and ends 24 long grueling hours later at 12:00 PM Sunday. Both team and solo riders will compete for prizes.
General Rules
- Each team must designate both a team captain and co-captain. All correspondence for a team before, during and after the race must be conducted through and only through the team captain. In the event that a team captain is unavailable, the co-captain may represent the team. However, only team captains may file a protest. Team captains and co-captains are required to attend the pre-race meeting, we also encourage you to invite your entire team to the meeting as an opportunity for them to clarify any questions regarding the event prior to starting time.
- Only team members, volunteers and event staff are allowed in the rider transition area while the ride is being conducted. A rider on the course may be supported on the course only by other registered riders. Those riders may be a different team and must enter the course under their own power, either on foot or on a bicycle. Any rider who has entered the course in support of another may bring equipment and tools and may even swap bikes with the rider in need of support. Cannibalizing bike parts is permitted in this race.
- Anyone, including other racers, may supply a racer on the course with food and water. However, racers taking on food or water must exit and stay clear of the course. Water will be stationed at the check-in station. It is important that no one litter the course. Any racer found intentionally littering the course will be disqualified along with the rest of their team members.
- Riders pushing bikes must yield the right of way to racers riding bikes. A racer pushing a bicycle may overtake a racer riding a bicycle so long as the racer riding a bicycle is not impeded.
- Lapped riders must yield to riders in the lead. Any rider attempting to overtake another must be vocal. Phrases like “track left”, “track right” must be shouted out. A challenging rider must overtake a lapped rider safely and lapped rider must yield on a challenging riders first command.
- In the event that two or more riders are vying for position, the lead rider does not necessarily have to yield to the challenging rider, however, any attempt to interfere with or impede a challenging rider is considered unsportsmanlike and is not permitted.
- Any attempt by a logged-in rider to take a (short-cut) off of the designated course will result in the immediate disqualification of that racers entire team. Additional penalties, including a permanent banishment of that racer and/or their team from all future races, may be imposed.
- All participants must conduct themselves in a civilized manner. Use of foul or intimidating language or behavior towards anyone including other participants or event officials on or off the course will not be tolerated. Any participant found in violation of this regulation will be penalized. This penalty may include the immediate disqualification of the racer and/or their team. All penalties to be determined by the event director.
- Federal, state and local ordinances must be followed at all times.
- Only registered participants may ride on the course prior to and during the race.
- Protests must be in writing and submitted to the event director any time after the race but no later than 15 minutes after the final race result postings. Only team captains may submit a protest. Protests should describe the incident in detail and contain names, addresses, phone numbers and signatures of participants and witnesses to the incident. A $20.00 cash deposit must accompany all protests. The event director shall make an immediate ruling on the protest. Should the ruling be against the team the deposit will be forfeited. If the ruling is in favor of the team and the protest upheld, the deposit shall be refunded. The race director will make all final rulings.
- Riders must have a primary light rated at a minimum of six watts or 150 lumens during the night ride. Riders must also carry a secondary light such as a small flashlight, penlight or similar lighting system.
- All co-ed teams are required to have a minimum one person of the opposite sex AND each person on the team is required to complete a minimum of one-night lap in order to be considered in contention for a top 10th or 15th spot depending upon a number of teams in a category.
- On a co-ed team, each member is required to have no less than two (2) laps completed from the most completed by the team member with the most laps. (example: Rider A has 5 laps recorded in the books, all the other riders cannot have less than 3 laps recorded in the books.)
- All bicycles must be completely human-powered. No pedal-assist is allowed.
- All attendees, participants and volunteers must follow Epic Rides’ Covid Protocol